
1st valentines day ideas

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Based on statistics from the National Retail Federation on Valentine’s Day celebrations, 2019 was a bad year for love. But, looking at 2020 research, it seems consumers have caught the love bug once again. What’s really interesting about the data from NRF, though, is that — despite an overall downward trend in the number of people celebrating Valentine’s Day — spending is way, way up. Even if you don’t have products that fall into these specific categories, it doesn’t mean you can’t branch out and make the most out of Valentine’s Day. Let’s take a look at some Valentine’s Day marketing ideas across verticals and channels.

When every foul cometh ther to choose his mate. In Middle Ages France and England, it was commonly believed that February 14 marked the beginning of birds’ mating seasons. Exchanges of hand-made valentines likely hit America in the early 1700s, but in the 1840s, Esther A. Valentine’s Day cards in the U. Traditional celebrations as many of us know them have revolved around flowers, chocolates, and romantic cards and dinners. Consumers’ evolving perspectives of Valentine’s Day mean new opportunities for shops outside the traditional Valentine’s Day verticals.