
Angel hair cabbage

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To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 20,825 times. Chinese style cabbage is slightly crunchy when cooked, and works well as a side dish. Take the outer leaves off of the cabbage. This may have already been done for you depending on where you bought your cabbage.

This step is optional, some people don’t like the outer leaves because they tend to be tougher. Cut the cabbage into halves or quarters and place in a bowl of water to wash them. Dip the cabbage in and out of the water a few times, before straining it. Cut out the core of the cabbage.

Dice the cabbage into medium sized pieces, and make sure that they are all separated. The amount of garlic depends on the amount of cabbage and how well you like cabbage. Try approximately three to four cloves for one head of cabbage. Add oil to the pan and turn on the heat.

The oil should cover the cabbage just enough to make it look glossy. If you don’t have enough you can add more later. You want the heat to be high enough to cook the cabbage quickly, but low enough that you don’t fry the cabbage. Add the diced cabbage to the pan and stir so that each leaf has a slightly glossy look from the oil. Continue cooking and stirring until the leaves start wilting. When the cabbage starts wilting, add a little water, your diced garlic and a pinch of salt. You want just enough water to cover the bottom so that they cabbage can steam.

Add just enough salt to help with the cooking, you can add more later. Stir and put on the lid. Continue stirring occasionally until the cabbage is your desired texture. Add salt to taste and enjoy! How do I slice Chinese cabbage? This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Use a cook’s knife for ease of handling and cutting.

Wash the cabbage first, then shake off excess water. Place the Chinese cabbage on a cutting board and cut in half from top to bottom. Place one half cut-side facing down, then slice diagonally, starting from the stalk end. This is the best way to slice for stir-fries, steaming, etc. What else is Chinese cabbage known as?

It is an elongated rather than round-headed cabbage. Is Chinese cabbage good for you? Yes, Chinese cabbage is healthy for you. It contains such nutrients as vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and vitamin B. It is very high in fiber, which is good for your digestive system and may help to reduce your LDL cholesterol levels. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

The outer leaves of the cabbage and the cabbage core can be made into broth, or added to soups and stews. The cabbage will cook down a lot, so if you are cooking for a group of people you will need more cabbage. Thanks for submitting a tip for review! When you add the cabbage to the oil, there may be some water still on the cabbage which will cause the oil to jump up. If the oil hits you it can cause burns. Make Dumplings with Self Rising Flour Step 16 Version 3.

Boil Dumplings Step 20 Version 3. Wrap Dumplings Step 15 Version 2. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 20,825 times. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy.

Put that pack of coleslaw mix in your fridge’s crisper drawer to work in these tasty sandwiches, salads, soups and more. For a smoked flavor, grill the shrimp. My kids love tostadas, so this day-after-cookout dinner was a big hit. It’s nice to come home to a hearty soup that’s ready to eat. Try adding tomatoes, green onions and chopped jalapeno on top.

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