
Bear paw meat

Behaviour Territorial, will chase players long distances, and lay bear paw meat on ragdolled players. Will also often roam longer distances, and sleep near trees and hills. The Bear, also known as the Grizzly, is currently one of the toughest animals to hunt and the strongest non-Event animal with the exception of the Legendary animals. Its speed and power make for a deadly combination.

Bears have very high health, fast regeneration, and deal a lot of damage, so approach them with extreme caution. Most sidearms and rifles are unable to deal enough damage to take down a bear in a direct confrontation, even at medium ranges. When threatened, the Bear will almost never run away. 5 speed Horse, and can catch up to any of the 3-star Horses when no stamina is used. The Bear is also quite aggressive, attacking anyone that intrudes within its range.

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