
Best scones near me

00743 11 40 C 11 55. 007431 69 best scones near me 69 C 47.

This post may contain affiliate links for which I earn a small comission at no extra cost to you. For more info, check out my Disclosure Policy. I’ve been asked a LOT for a gluten free scones recipe and I can’t believe I am only just publishing one now! I almost feel like I’ve failed my homeland by not publishing a gluten free scone recipe yet. I guess it’s one of those things that because a gluten free cream tea is quite easy to come by in North Devon, I’ve never made one before.

But now not only have I perfected these beautiful, golden gluten free scones – I’ve also thrown a super easy strawberry jam recipe into the mix too! This jam is a really easy one to throw together and because it’s strawberry season, it seems silly not to use these beautiful, fresh berries. The perfect gluten free scone recipeI’ve done a lot of reading up on how to create the perfect gluten free scone. For starters, the first dilemma was to egg, or not to egg? Sadly for all the vegans and dairy free-ers out there my gluten free scone recipe does contain both egg and milk. I think you could probably adapt this for dairy free by using dairy free margarine and milk.

However, I haven’t tried this myself. Let me know in the comments if you give it a go because I’d love to know how it turned out! As for a vegan version, you might be able to use an egg replacer, but again I haven’t tried it myself so I’d love to know if you experiment and give it a go. Cream or jam first on scones? So what do you top your gluten free scones with? For me, you simply have to make a gluten free cream tea.

And the only way to do that is with the cream first, jam on top. The Cornish way just does not make sense! Clotted cream replaces the butter, so naturally it should go on first. Plus don’t even get me started on whether it’s scone like ‘gone’ or scone like ‘cone’ because that’s a wormhole I don’t think I’ll ever get out of.

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