
Boston maki sushi

Sorry we couldn’t find what you were looking for. Sushi Shop offers boston maki sushi containing fish, shellfish, crustaceans, mollusc, sesame, soy, milk, egg, wheat, sulphite and other allergens.

While we take steps to minimize the risk of cross contamination, we cannot guarantee the total absence of any allergen or that any of our products are safe to consume for people with allergies to such. Discover our new and seasonal creations! Monkey Brain 4 crispy pieces of avocado garnished with a velvety mix of protein of your choice. Accompanied by our trio of sauces, they are a decadent treat!

4 crispy pieces of avocado garnished with a velvety mix of protein of your choice. Bubble Teas Our Collection of Bubble Teas with black tea and milk and our Collection of Green Teas with real fruit juice are more than a simple refreshment, they are part of an experience to be discovered! Our Collection of Bubble Teas with black tea and milk and our Collection of Green Teas with real fruit juice are more than a simple refreshment, they are part of an experience to be discovered! Poke Bowls All our Poke bowls come with the choice of white rice, brown rice, Sushi Shop’s unique Crispy sticky rice or lettuce.

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