
Christmas games ideas

We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. The 25 Best Christmas Games for Adults, Because ‘Christmas games ideas the Season for Competition Save these for when the kids are dreaming of sugar plum fairies.

Whether you’re playing host to a big group for a Christmas party, looking to entertain a few stragglers at a family gathering or even connecting with far-flung family over zoom, these games will bring out the spirit of friendly competition. You can even play them with your coworkers for an office Christmas party, if you’re able to gather in-person this year. Of course, the rules can be easily modified for children if you want to find some more Christmas games for kids, but where’s the fun in that? Whether or not you make it harder by adding in a hot toddy or two is up to you. It’s perhaps the easiest holiday game ever: Pick a Christmas movie and then identify certain phrases, words or actions that will signal to everyone that they have to drink.

This is an easy, no-setup game that you can play everywhere, from a home get-together to an office party. Here’s a throwback: Remember playing the card game spoons — the one that sent everyone diving in the middle of the table to grab a spoon, and whoever was left without one was the loser? This is the same thing, only candy canes replace spoons. Bonus: You get to eat the candy canes when the game is over. Here’s something that’ll test family bonds: Divide in to teams of two, and see who can wrap a gift — neatly! Each person has to have one arm behind their back.

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