
Drinking vinegar

In terms of mixed drinks, shrub is the name of two different, but related, acidulated beverages. The early English version of the shrub arose from the medicinal cordials of the 15th century. As a mixture of fruit and alcohol, the shrub is related to the punch, however punches were normally served immediately after mixing the ingredients, whereas shrubs tended to have drinking vinegar higher concentration of flavour and sugar and could be stored for later use, much like a pre-made drink mixer. A proprietary cordial known as Shrub was developed by J.

Rum and Shrub” was a popular drink in Bristol and the west of England in the 20th century long after the convention had died out elsewhere. The American version of the shrub has its origins in 17th century England where vinegar was used as an alternative to citrus juices in the preservation of berries and other fruits for the off-season. The serving of vinegar-based shrub drinks became popular again in 2011 in American restaurants and bars. The term “shrub” is borrowed from the Arabic word sharāb meaning “to drink”. Spirits: Vinegary ‘shrubs’ are growing on people”. What’s shaking in the cocktail scene?

Homegrown Cocktails: How to Make Your Own Infused Liquors, Spirits, Bitters, and Other Drinks with Fresh Ingredients, Plus 50 Original Cocktail Recipes. Sharp as a Tack – DIY drinking vinegars and shrubs are a snap to make at home”. When is a shrub not a bush? Hint: when you can drink it”. The English and Australian Cookery Book.

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