
Fondant cake ideas

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The show-stopping event of our annual baking calendar has arrived. So you’ve made your cake in advance, you’ve lovingly fed it with brandy and it’s time to prepare it for your family festivities. Whether you’re looking for traditional decorations or a more modern finish this year, get ready to find inspiration. I’ve been making my own Christmas cake for most of my adult life. It’s a process steeped in family tradition. My mother used to make our cakes when I was a child and her recipe became a firm part of our Christmas celebrations. She handed it down to me in the form of a photo-copied recipe from a 1970s housekeeping magazine, complete with her hand written notes for when to add the brandy and which type of sugar she recommended.

Now I have a young family of my own, I still make her recipe each year. I usually opt for royal icing made with egg yolks and glycerin and then top it with a little Santa cake topper and a sprig of holly. But in a quest to mix things up I’m planning big things this year when the time comes. No matter what recipe you are making, I hope the decoration ideas in this round-up come in handy for you.

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