
Grilled drumsticks

For details please review the terms of the  Privacy Policy. Master your chicken drumsticks on your Traeger, and you’ll keep going back to this cut time and time again. Our how-to guide takes you grilled drumsticks all the steps you need to reach poultry perfection. With kitchen shears, trim half of the top and bottom knuckle off the chicken drum to release the tendons and ligaments.

Let drumsticks rest for 20 minutes. Place drumsticks directly on the grate for 30 minutes. Flip and cook for another 30 minutes. Remove the drumsticks from the grate and place in a pan. Remove foil and sauce all drumsticks in the pan. Cook for an additional 15 minutes so sauce can set.

Remove from Traeger and let rest for 15 minutes before serving. This post may contain affiliate links. Chicken drumsticks have never been quicker or easier to make than in the Instant Pot. What do you serve them with? Can you make them ahead of time?

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