
Halloween apples

Is it spirits walking the earth? The celebration of Halloween was originally the New Years Eve of the Celts, the eve of Samhain or “Winter’s Eve”. It was generally believed that the dead or disembodied spirits of all those who had died throughout the preceding year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year. It was believed to be their halloween apples hope for the afterlife.

In general the whole custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840’s by the Irish immigrants who were fleeing the country’s potato famine. The evil side of Halloween was pushed forward mainly by the church. The church maintained that the gods and goddesses and other spiritual beings of traditional religions were diabolical deceptions and manifestations of the devil. Therefore the customs associated with Halloween were always represented by the church as being evil – ghosts, human skeletons, symbols of the dead, Satan and other creatures such as witches. Trick or Treat It was believed in ninth-century Europe that after you died, your soul remained in limbo. To send the souls up to Heaven the Christians used to go “souling”.

On 31st October, All Souls Day, they would go around to all the villages and collect “soul cakes” – a cake made out of square pieces of bread with currants. It is also thought that trick-or-treating came from Britain where it was know as “Mischief Night”, it is particularly popular in parts of northern England. It could also of come from old Irish peasant practice in which they would go from door to door to collect money, breadcake, cheese, eggs, butter, nuts, apples, etc. The Jack-O-lantern came from Irish Folklore.

A man named Jack who was a drunkard and known for his quick temper got really drunk at the local Pub on All Hallows Eve. As his life began to slip away from him the Devil appeared to claim his soul. Jack wanted to stay alive and begged the Devil to let him have just one more drink before he died. Jack was ecstatic to have escaped the Devil and have a whole new lease on life. Jack mended his ways, for a little while at least. He was good to his wife and children and began attending church and giving to charity.

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