
Hocus pocus buns

035 0 0 1 6 . If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. I’m a magical princess from another dimension! Princess Star Butterfly hocus pocus buns the titular protagonist of the Disney Channel and Disney XD’s animated series, Star vs.

She is an intergalactic princess from the Kingdom of Mewni. Star is extremely energetic and friendly. She loves having fun, and she usually has an optimistic outlook on life. Star loves to help others and whenever she sees that someone is upset, she does her best to cheer them up. Star is a bit reckless, enjoying fighting monsters and doing other wild things. She is also stubborn at times, as she often does things her own way and not listening to other people’s rules or even take advice. As the series progresses, Star becomes less prone to resorting to magic to fix a situation and shows a willingness to become stronger, more serious, and not running away from her problems, despite this sometimes resulting in her underestimating her enemies.

After Toffee’s defeat, she decides to focus on becoming a better princess and starts to act more serious and mature as a result. Her cheeks have posh pink hearts, which sometimes change into things that reflect her emotions, such as hourglasses when she is bored, grey skulls when she is pumped for battle, white skulls when she is depressed, or light bulbs when she has an idea. With nearly all her outfits, Star wears a red or pink headband with horns. During her Mewberty period, Star had purple hearts appear all over her skin until she eventually turned completely purple and acquired an insect-like appearance. Her hair turned pale lavender twisted into two buns, her eyes were replaced with glowing hearts, and gained four extra arms and butterfly-like wings. Star’s adventures start off on her fourteenth birthday, where her Mother bestows upon her their family’s greatest heirloom, the Royal Magic Wand.

Unfortunately due to being reckless and irresponsible, she causes so much chaos and destruction that her parents decide to send away. Through the course of the first season, Star and Marco go on many adventures, and Star tries her hardest to adjust to life on Earth which for her proves difficult. She even misunderstands many things during her time on Earth, such as thinking Echo Creek Academy’s football team was going into a fight to the death with a rival team called the “Warriors” or mistaking a product known as the “Banagic” as an actual magical object. When Marco was kidnapped by Toffee, Star set out to rescue him, accompanied by Ludo and Buff Frog.

Apparently Toffee was proven to be far too smart for Star that she was forced to surrender her wand to him, only to learn that he wanted her to destroy it. Using a whispering spell, her wand destroyed itself and blew up Ludo’s castle along with Toffee and Ludo’s former monster army. Star continued to live with the Diazs, practicing her magic under the tutorials of Glossaryck and handling school life. Star remains reckless and irresponsible, but over the course of the season develops more maturity. Star even struggled with her newly restored wand. Even though it remained reliable, it had not been the same since the day it was destroyed. Star’s friendship with Marco slowly became very strained, especially when he started dating his long time crush, Jackie-Lynn Thomas.

In the episode “Sleepover”, a game box called Truth or Punishment revealed that Star had a crush on Marco just as it got crushed by a dump truck. Upon returning to Mewni, Star and her mother were on the run from Toffee, who by now had possessed Ludo and taken over the kingdom. When news got out that River and Marco were in trouble, Star wanted to go and rescue them, but her mother would not let her. So, she sneaked away and returned to the castle where she faced the Toffee possessed Ludo. She used the whispering spell to destroy Ludo’s wand and was transported to a corrupted version of the Realm of Magic. Afterwards, Star set her sights on becoming a better princess, starting with unifying monsters and Mewmans.

During this time, she met her distant ancestor, Eclipsa and discovered she could travel through multiple dimensions without the use of Dimensional Scissors as well transform into a magic butterfly like her mother. By the second half of the third season, Star discovered that Miss Heinous was Eclipsa’s biological daughter, Meteora, and all her ancestors dating back to Festivia were not true-blooded members of the Butterfly family. It turned out that the Magic High Commission had replaced Meteora with Festivia and erased all record history of her existence. Island of the Pie Folk where she discovers that Festivia was of Pie Folk origin, meaning that she and Moon are partially of Pie Folk descent.

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