
Loquat vs kumquat

UCT’s current grant application and submission processes. PI and the university loquat vs kumquat serves to support internal application review to ensure all information required by the funder is complete upon submission. All new protocols applying for external funding must follow the proposal approval process via the eRA Pre-awards module. Applications for NRF, URC, and SAMRC self-initiated research grants are not required to follow the eRA Pre-awards approval process but still require liaising with the Central Finance and Research offices directly.

If the answer is yes, then complete a pre-awards approval form. For further information visit the pre-awards FAQ page. Visit UCT’s Research Portal and log in to the eRA system using the Login option at the top right-hand corner of the screen. The PI uploads the requested project documents and captures key project information and details relating to resourcing, ethics, and biosafety online. PI prior to submission of the form. When the Budget Reviewer has completed the Financial Information, the form will be returned to the PI for review of the financial details.

The PI confirms their agreement with this financial information and sends the form to the Finance Approver step. Importantly for proposals, please note, your application is not submitted to the funder via the eRA system. Faculty approval is complete to confirm expectations of when their review would be complete, and which documents require a signature to proceed to submission to the funder. The University’s Pre-Awards process must strictly be adhered to.

RA approval form for all external grants and drug trial funding following review of the budget. The Budget Reviewer should return the supported financial information within 3 working days of receipt of the approval form, but only if IDM Finance assistance was sought and engaged prior to logging the application onto the eRA portal. Budgets will be in line with UCT Finance Policies and Procedures. Budgets are fully or appropriately costed . VAT implications are correctly incorporated, as the VAT Apportionment ruling has changed how much Input VAT can be claimed on purchases.

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