
Martha white muffin mix

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This post will explore another ingredient in cake batter, eggs. Six forks each with a bite of cake at the end against a gray background. Eggs help create the structure of a cake. In the 3rd class we looked at one of the cake structure-builders, flour. We learned that low protein, chlorinated cake flour produced a cake with a light and tender texture. Now it’s time to learn about the other structure-builder for cake batter, eggs. This class will focus specifically on eggs in pound cake batter.

Two slices of cake on a white background. The Function of Eggs in Cake Batter: The most important job of eggs in a cake batter is to contribute structure in the form of proteins from both the yolk and the white. The protein coagulates as the cake bakes and, along with the starch from the flour, forms the cake crumb. So what does all this mean for our pound cake recipe?

It means we can alter the cake significantly by manipulating the number of eggs, yolks and whites in the batter. What Egg yolks do in cake batter The yolk contributes protein, but also some fat, flavor, and emulsifying lecithin. Because emulsifiers hold water and fat together, adding extra egg yolks to the batter enables the batter to hold extra liquid and, consequently, extra sugar. This helps create a moister and sweeter cake that will still bake up with a good structure rather than falling into a gooey mass. What Egg whites do in cake batter When separated from the yolks and whipped to a foam, egg whites can be used to leaven a cake. Whipping egg whites has the same effect as cooking whites- the proteins unfold, reattach and trap water. In my testing I found that a cake made with the same proportion of yolks and whites had a softer texture when the whites were whipped and folded into the batter.

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