
Melting pot valentine’s day 2021

These almost-homemade Mini Chicken Pot Pies are the perfect finger-food melting pot valentine’s day 2021 a party! Or a last-minute dinner that your kids will love.

Crescent rolls from a can make prep quick and easy! Who would say not to an warm and savory individualized chicken pot pie? I just want to start out by saying that when Bob Marly died, they found multiple species of bugs in his dreadlocks. Please, believe the stories, because it will soften the blow of what I’m about to tell you. So we’re in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Eric and Charlotte are coaching Truman on how to treat bugs.

You know, training him not to demolish them on sight. Be NICE to the bugs, Truman! Then I run my fingers through my hair and there it is. No bigger than my pinky fingernail.

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