
Milk dust

Take care of your milk dust before they take care of you. But just like any other health condition, it’s not always easy to spot when an allergy attack is happening.

Typical symptoms of allergies like a runny nose and watery eyes often get confused with a cold or the flu, and people don’t always know to look out for less common and more serious symptoms like headaches, a swollen tongue, and hearing loss. If you find yourself suffering from headaches on a weekly or even daily basis and can’t figure out why, you might have your allergies to blame. Allergies cause inflammation and swelling of the sinuses and nasal passages,” she explains. When this happens, there is an increased production of mucus, which then fills up your sinuses.

This buildup of fluid leads to headaches. In patients with severe food allergies, constipation is one of the most common symptoms. Allergies can make you feel like you are a constant zombie,” says Elliott. Because allergies cause swelling in the nasal passages, people suffering from them typically mouth breathe while they sleep and, as a result, experience lapses in quality oxygen intake throughout the night. People with allergies wake up often, whether they realize it or not, and they wake up not feeling rested.

The sleep disruptions associated with allergies are so bad, in fact, that some people who leave the condition untreated end up developing sleep apnea. With the immune system working in overdrive and a lack of sleep preventing the body from getting the rest it needs, it’s little surprise that folks with allergies often deal with bouts of forgetfulness and memory impairment. Constant headaches and poor sleep add up over time and make you feel like you are not your best self,” explains Elliott. According to the Cleveland Clinic, cramps and stomach pain are both relatively common and yet all-too-often ignored symptoms of food allergies. Rashes like eczema can often be triggered by allergies,” explains Dr.

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