
Nacho cheese

Homemade Nacho Cheese Sauce Nacho Cheese Sauce is ridiculously easy to make, and tastes so much better than store nacho cheese. Enjoy it as a dip or on a plate of nachos.

Sign in and save recipe to your profile. Get free recipes sent straight into your inbox! Nacho Cheese Sauce is ridiculously easy to make, and tastes so much better than store bought. Nacho cheese sauce is so stinkin’ delicious. It is basically a cheese gravy, and what’s not to like about that?

You have many options when it comes to nacho cheese sauce, and they are all delicious in their own unique ways. Velveeta is a processed American cheese, and is a standard option when it comes to nacho cheese sauce. It will be thicker, smoother, and creamier than a shredded cheese. You can also use your standard cheddar cheese or other favorite melting cheese, which will make a thinner, slightly grainer sauce. Can I use store bought pre-shredded cheese? The additives in pre-shredded cheese that keep it from clumping impacts its ability to melt.

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