
Thin bottom round steak recipes

25 0 10 0 10 0S3. 75 14 10 14 10 14s6. Top Round Steak — Everything You Need and Want to Know Learn all about the top round steak, including where it comes from on the cow, alternative names, typical uses, nutritional info, how to cook it, and three favorite recipes from around the web that use this cut of beef. Because of that, Thin bottom round steak recipes’d always avoided beef that was cut thin and recommended flash cooking.

That was until someone introduced me to the Top Round steak. It’s a versatile piece of meat that can be cooked thick or thin, and tastes great. What is Top Round steak exactly? Well, simply put, it is a cut that lacks tenderness and any real marbling. But this is what we usually shout about as the characteristics of a great steak, right?

But in this guide, we will show you precisely why it should still be a mainstay on your weekly menu. We’ll give you the low down on why, with a little TLC, it is a go-to cut. By answering what it is, where it’s from on the cow, and what it tastes like. And of course, how best to get your hands on some. Where Does Top Round Steak Come from on the Cow? Portion Size: How Much Top Round Steak Per Person?

Three Best Top Round Steak Recipes from Around the Web12. Of all the different types of steak, top round is the chicken of the steak world. Lean enough to suit most tastes and flavorful enough to satisfy the reddest of meat-eaters. It takes very well to a marinade and can be cooked as a thick steak, thinly sliced, or cut up for carnitas and other dishes. The muscles in this area are used for movement and are well-worked as the cow moves around.

As a result, the beef is leaner and less tender. The Top Round steak is from the upper part of the round, or the semimembranosus muscle to be specific. This makes up part of the pelvic group of muscles that include the inside round and bottom round, from where the bottom round steak originates. The round primal is divided into cuts such as the bottom, inside, and top round. As such, it has many name variations, but there are far too many to list them all. London Broil: this name is given because it is a lean and less tender steak, and broiling is the preferred cooking method. Beef Round: a simple version of what it is and where it comes from.

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