
Things to eat

Greenville and the surrounding areas are absolutely filled to the brim with interesting, exciting things to things to eat, eat, and do. I love it here, and everything Greenville has to offer. My best tip for a staycation is to do things you don’t usually do, no matter what that looks like for you and your family.

AirBNB apartment can be really fun and special. For families, start with a morning trip to the zoo, and bring a stroller if you don’t have long walkers. From there, take a little time to play at the Cleveland Park playground, then walk the few short blocks to Sidewall Pizza for pizza and ice cream. The Commons to other activities makes it a great staycation locale. No matter how you holiday this year, I hope it’s filled with lots of slowed down time, moments with people that you love fiercely, and the best food you can find.

Houston’s 5 Best Weekend Food Bets: Wine Tasting at C. It will be held in the lobby bar where guests can mingle and sample a trio of wines, Chardonnay, Brut Rose and a Red Wine Blend. Andrea was raised in Marlborough, New Zealand while her sister, Robin, grew up in Monterey, California. Eventually the sisters, who share their biological father, connected and their love of wine has led them to a successful woman and Black-owned business.

Support the independent voice of Houston and help keep the future of the Houston Press free. The hotel’s restaurant, Rosalie, will be serving light bites to accompany the wines such as arancini with pesto aioli and charcuterie boards. This event was delayed due to rain so we’re hoping that this weekend will not be a washout for this family-friendly festival. It’s the 10th year for the event but it is in a new location at East River, a future mixed-use development from Midway. There will be a cornucopia of homemade tamales from local vendors plus other food items. Attendees can do some last minute Christmas shopping at the craft booths and artisan pop-ups.

There will also be live music, including Shakira tribute band SHEWOLF, and activities for kids. 10 but children under 12 are admitted free with an adult. Pick up treats for Santa and for me. Stir owner, Cristina Kooker from Great Day Houston, will make a personal appearance to talk about her cookie business.

Late August will open in spring 2022. This is the first holiday party ever for Lucille’s Hospitality Group and it’s being held in the future site of the upcoming restaurant Late August at The Ion. The party will give guests an opportunity to check out the space and get an idea of what to expect when it opens this spring. Founder and Lucille’s restaurant owner, Chef Chris Williams will be with his team preparing the food for the evening. That team includes Chef Dawn Burrell who will be at the helm of the kitchen at Late August. The event is also a fundraiser for Williams’ non-profit, Lucille’s 1913, which seeks to combat food insecurity in under-resourced neighborhoods and provide employment opportunities and training for those communities.

Williams has been able to feed seniors and children in neighborhoods that are underserved plus provide meals during some of Houston’s worst crises. Guests will be able to enjoy free-flowing cocktails and delicious light bites as well as contribute to a good cause. Mutiny Wine Room is bringing back its Paella on the Patio from Chef Eduardo Alcayaga. With a large selection of boutique wines and varietals from small-batch wineries, Mutiny offers guests a Napa Valley ambiance on the outskirts of Houston Heights. KEEP THE HOUSTON PRESS FREE Since we started the Houston Press, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we’d like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it’s more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism.

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